Session 70. Cuts between the film footage entered into the trial as evidence and of still photos entered into the trial as evidence and Eichmann watching the footage. Eichmann does not seem to change his expression throughout the screening. 00:00:27 Footage being shown in the courtroom - medical examinations of inmates, posters of Nazis. Eichmann in courtroom speaking. 00:04:32 Footage of train with cattle cars going past. Scenes in a camp, jumping into pits, being helped onto trucks (?), being shot in pits and then buried. 00:06:45 Train with cattle cars at dusk. 00:08:08 Footage of people with arm bands at a railway station getting into cattle cars, SS guards. Cuts back and forth to Eichmann in the courtroom. 00:10:58 More people, with belongings, arrive at station. 00:12:12 Changing projector reel in courtroom, Eichmann.00:14:40 Blurred writing comes up on the screen, in French, credits come up. "Nuit at Brouillard" (Night and Fog), a documentary by Alain Resnais is screened. One of the most vivid depictions of the horrors of Nazi concentration camps, filmed in 1955 at the postwar site of Auschwitz, the film combines color footage with black and white newsreels and stills to tell the story not only of the Holocaust, but the horror of man's brutal inhumanity. 00:16:09 Film starts. Barbed wire, subtitles "A peaceful landscape, a field with crows, a country road, a village, holidaymakers and a fairground. The way to a concentration camp...were merely names on the map. The tongues are silent. Only the camera circles the..." All along the camera pans over a concentration camp. Eichmann watching the film. Footage of Nazi party rallies. Shots of a camp. 00:19:04 Still shots of people with their belongings, lining up to get into trucks. Footage of people walking down road with all their belongings, getting into cattle cars. Father with children. SS closing up the doors to the cattle cars. 00:21:21 Train leaves station, shots of Auschwitz. Still photographs of many people sitting in courtyard, naked people lined up. Subtitles, triangles on clothes and armbands shown. Pictures of SS. 00:23:54 Shots of the wooden bunks people had to sleep in, buildings of the camp. Stills photos of men in bed, the band, snow. Eichmann watching film. Inmates, deportees, drinking soup. 00:27:22 Latrines, subtitles on the black market, resistance. 00:28:04 Entrance to Auschwitz, signs of other camps, orchestra, a bear. 00:28:34 Children, people with crutches. 00:29:10 Stills photos of people who had thrown themselves to the electric fence, naked people lined up. Hartheim. Trucks; letters. 00:30:49 Still photos of dying men, footage in camp hospitals. 00:31:55 Woman talking to camera, subtitles about medical experiments. Men who were castrated, emaciated legs, passports shown. Register of thousands of names. 00:33:53 Still photos of well dressed, well fed people sitting around laughing. Eichmann watching. Subtitle "1942" - SS men shaking hands, Himmler. Plans for camp and incinerator. 00:35:49 deportations, train. Dead bodies in truck. 00:36:30 Still photos of naked women and men, cylinders of Zyklon gas. 00:36:54 The inside of a gas chamber. Emaciated corpses in piles. 00:37:58 Clandestine still photos, taken by the Resistance, of burning bodies outside at Auschwitz when the crematorium became too full. Skulls, limbs and human remains. 00:38:25 The ovens. Eichmann watching the film, he does not change his position throughout the viewing. 00:39:20 Piles of spectacles, pits, shoes, hair, carpets. 00:40:24 Oven door is opened and a human skeleton is inside. Bodies, decapitated heads, soap presumably made from humans. 00:41:03 Artwork laid out on table. Arial shots of camp. Bodies littering the ground, subtitle mentions typhus. 00:42:06 Tractor pushes all the bodies out of the way into a pit. Women leaving the building, men and women in uniforms walk past the camera. Skulls lined up, deportees looking through barbed wire fences. Kapos saying that they are not responsible. 00:43:40 More shots of bodies. Eichmann watching.
Session 46. May 19, 1961. Alexander Arnon talks about wearing the Star of David badge. He is interrupted by the Prosecution, and asked about the forced payment of 100,000,000 Denars, with 60 Denars equal to an American Dollar at the time. Following that, legislation that required wearing the Jewish Star was put into effect. The court decides that photographing the badge he holds up will suffice for evidence. He was given the task of supplying the Jews of Zagreb with the badges, as ordered by the Gestapo officer Mueller.00:10:46 Session 53. May 25, 1961. Margit Reich testifies. A translator reads a postcard from her husband that describes the deportation and the trip. She describes that the postcard was thrown from the train and sent by a passerby. The translator reads another postcard describing conditions in the train and her father's goodbye to the family, though he hoped to survive.00:17:33 Tape jumps. Dr. Martin (Marcel) Foeldi testifes about the postcards they were forced to write in Auschwitz, as dictated by the Kapos. He was forced to write about being put to work and that he was fine. He says that it was very reassuring to receive postcards from the previous transports, making them feel better about the situation.00:21:51 Tape jumps. Ze'ev Sapir testifies about Adolf Eichmann's visit to the ghetto Sapir was in, and how it was cleaned to welcome him. He has difficulty expressing the story.00:26:43 Tape jumps. Ze'ev Sapir is still testifying. He says that after three hours in the train, he saw furnaces and smelled a horrible odor at Auschwitz. He asked other inmates what it was, and they said burning rags. He understood his fate when a prisoner who forgot his prayer shawl in the coach was told he wasn't going to need it by another prisoner who unloaded the train. Sapir is asked about his family, and he describes them, and says that all of them died.00:30:02 Session 62. June 1, 1961. Leslie Gordon testifies that he was searching for food for his family in Bucharest when he was captured. He was told to dig ditches, and they believed that they were anti-tank ditches. This was controlled by the SD. He describes that people were told to remove their clothes, and were executed by Germans, some sober, some drunk. Not all of them were killed, but only injured, and buried alive. He says that those executed were those able to resist, all of them Jews.00:43:02 Session 64. June 5, 1961. Ya'akov Friedman testifying. He describes inmates committing suicide by running at the electric fences in Majdanek. He says that the guards tried to stop them, not because they cared, but because it was a lot of work for them.00:44:09 Session 68. June 7, 1961. Joseph Zalman Kleinman testifying. He describes the call for everyone to run to the football field, which he believes was there for the Roma. He says that Dr. Mengele rode up on his bike and he began the selection. He asked a young sunburned blonde boy, and asked this 15 year old how old he was. He lied, saying he was 18. Mengele was furious, demanding a plank with a hammer and nails. He created a measuring device, demanding that everyone must walk under, and those not tall enough would be sent to their death. Though it was not said, they knew what the purpose of this was. He put rocks in his shoes, painfully elevating himself, forcing himself to stand at attention with that. He survived, though 1000 out of 2000 did not. The tape jumps before he can elaborate.00:53:03 Session 71. June 8, 1961. Nachum Hoch testifying. He was forced into a room with serial numbers and hooks and told to undress. One of the Sonderkommando told them in Yiddish not to show their fear, but to sing. He believes Hoess then came to the hallway and grabbed the first boy in the line, asking him to prove physical fitness. The kid talked back to Hoess, and he was sent back to the chamber. Hoch was forced to do knee bends and then to run to the wall and back before being sent with the first boy. 50 were selected in this fashion.
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The camera fades in on Hausner and Servatius seated in the courtroom. Assistant State Attorney Gavriel Bach enters (00:01:34). The camera pans to the empty booth. Adolf Eichmann enters the booth (00:02:51). All rise as the judges enter and Presiding Judge Moshe Landau opens the ninety-second session (00:04:58). Hausner begins cross-examination of the accused (00:05:23).Hausner continues his questioning from the previous session about the term "by order" (im Auftrage) which Eichmann used when he signed documents. This is duplicate footage also found on Tape 2133 (at 00:00:45 and again at 01:01:32). The footage on Tape 2133 is less complete. Eichmann is then questioned about when he first learned of Hitler's order for the "Final Solution" (00:24:48). Hausner attempts to determine exactly when Eichmann learned of the order and he presents a series of documents that show that Eichmann knew of the order much earlier than he claims.Hasuner questions Eichmann about the Madagascar Plan and asks when the plan was shelved in favor of the plan to exterminate the Jews (00:28:30). The Madagascar Plan predated the Nazi period but was revived during the war. Under this plan, Europe's Jews were to be expelled to the island of Madgascar, which belonged to the French. Hausner presents a series of documents to the accused asking him to indicate when, in the documents, the phrase "Final Solution" no longer means the Madagascar Plan but instead means extermination (00:37:06). Judge Raveh asks Eichmann to show them a particular document concerning deportations to the East (00:45:22). There is some visual interference but the audio continues uninterrupted (00:46:19).Some of the footage repeats. Judge Halevi questions the accused about a document which makes reference to the deportation of 50,000 Jews from Austria, Germany, and Czechoslovakia to Riga and Minsk (00:52:07). Hausner points out that Eichmann participated in a meeting in Prague on 10 October 1941 during which the deportation of 50,000 Jews was discussed, and that by this point Eichmann was aware that the "Final Solution" meant deportation to the East and then extermination.Eichmann is then questioned about his department, Section IVB4, and their involvement with other departments of the Reich Main Security Office (RSHA), in matters concerning the press and radio (00:56:38). Eichman testifies that the term "participate" did not mean actually taking part in the work. Hausner asks Eichmann whether he was aware that Eichmann's murderous activities were reported in journals outside Germany (00:59:54). The Attorney General cites a London-based journal called Die Zeitung dated 24 October 1941 which refers to Eichmann as the murderer of the Jews of Germany. Eichmann states that he has found many errors in such documents, and goes on to testify that other documents clearly show that he had nothing to do with "the killing and destruction."Hausner returns to the Madagascar plan, asking Eichmann if he ever made any practical attempts to promote it (01:04:23). The accused states that he did preliminary work after the plan had been approved and that he was the initiator of the idea itself. Hausner asks if the Madagascar Plan was meant to be implemented after the war with France was over (01:07:53). Eichmann begins to state that it would have been initiated once the peace treaty was signed when the footage ends. This section is duplicate footage also found on Tape 2134 (at 00:00:35). The footage on Tape 2134 is more complete. 2ff7e9595c